Eligibility, Enrollment, Participation, and Completion
All* full-time or part-time administrators in the Pomona Unified School District who hold California Preliminary Administrative Services Credentials are eligible for participation in the Pomona Administrator Clear Credential Program (PACCP).
When enrolling in the program, Candidates commit to the following requirements:
- Attendance and full participation in the following:
- Kick-Off meeting in August/September
- Ongoing Coach collaboration (40 hours/year)
- Completion of program activities and documentation in collaboration with the Coach
- Informal and formal classroom observations by my Coach
- Attendance at all required group professional development sessions (seven 3-hour sessions/year)
- Completion of an Induction Portfolio that documents their professional growth activities, including action research projects.
- Timely progress toward completing the program within the two-year timeline.
- At the end of Year 2, presentation of portfolio and participation in an Exit Interview.
- Participation in ongoing program evaluation, as requested.
- Completion of two years of successful administrative experience
- If questions or concerns arise about the Coach match or any program completion requirements, Candidates are to contact the Program Administrator as soon as possible.
Once an administrator has enrolled in the Induction Program, the program will offer continued participation in the program until the candidate completes or withdraws from the program, is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements for authorization, or is dropped from the program.
A Candidate may be dropped from the program* if it is determined that he/she is not attending and fully participating in required program activities, as listed above, and/or is not making timely progress towards program completion. Should a Candidate appear to be struggling to meet the program requirements, the Program Administrator or designee will confer with the teacher and his/her Coach to make a plan for additional assistance. If, despite appropriate interventions, the Candidate is unable or unwilling to fulfill the program requirements, he/she will be dropped from the program, based on the above criteria.
Candidates who successfully complete program requirements* for both years of the two-year program (or one year, for those who completed Year 1 in another school district), will receive a verification of completion form and assistance in applying for the clear credential.
The verification of completion form includes verification by the Program Administrator that the program components have been completed, and verification by the Credential Analyst of two years of successful administrative experience.
*Decisions made regarding admission to, and retention in, the Induction Program, and regarding credential recommendation are made based on these policies, without unlawful discrimination.
A grievance process is in place should disagreement arise regarding program admission, participation or completion. See Handbook page on Grievance Process.