Student Success Is Our Success » Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How successful are these programs?
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) students experience increased cognitive benefits as well as improved academic success according to several scientifically based research studies.

Will two languages confuse my child or slow down his/her academic progress?
Quite the opposite! Learning in two languages enhances academic growth and achievement for students as long as they are kept in the program. Moving children in and out of the program should be avoided. Children gain maximum benefits from the program by remaining in it until 6th grade.

Do children become frustrated listening to instruction in another language?
The program may take some getting used-to in the early months but they adjust quickly.

Will I be able to help my student with homework?
All instructions will be written in Spanish or Mandarin and English. There may be times, however, when parents may need the help of an English/Spanish dictionary.

Will I have to read to my child in Spanish/English?
Only if you want to. We recommend that you read to your student in whatever language you use at home. As your student’s literacy skills in Spanish or Mandarin and English grow, you may ask him/her to read to you!

Can parents volunteer in the classroom?
Absolutely! We strongly encourage parents to be in the classroom and to volunteer whenever they can do so.
Does the DLI program continue after elementary school?
Yes! There are options for continuing the DLI Program at Lorbeer Middle School and Diamond Ranch High School.