Business Services
A Message from the Assistant Superintendent, Chief Business Officer:
The Pomona Unified School District thanks our families and community for their sustained support throughout the years of the state’s fiscal crisis. Although our school district lost more than $100 million in state budget cuts, we appear to have turned the corner and have begun rebuilding our programs.
Through the Local Control Accountability Plan, the district has worked with community leaders, families, students and staff to create a vision for the future. We want all students to reach high academic standards, to be taught by highly qualified teachers, and to access safe and equitable learning environments that promote college and career readiness.
We have already completed a major expansion of our technological infrastructure, broadening our WIFI capabilities, bringing our computer labs to state of the art readiness for the Common Core State Standards, and purchasing ipads, ipods, laptops, tablets, and science kits for our students across the district.
Measure PS, the bond measure to upgrade our schools and campuses, has already updated HVAC systems, remodeled classrooms, painted and refurbished schools and turned school grounds into welcoming environments where our students can feel safe and thrive. This is an on-going project that will continue to take place over a number of years.
Additional staff will support our program expansion, including not only teachers, but health and library clerks, counselors, and community facilitators. All these changes will take place at a measured pace as funding allows.
It is exciting once again to have a positive vision for education and to be able to look forward to increased opportunities for our students.
Business Services
Assistant Superintendent, Chief Business Officer:
Sandra Garcia
Administrative Secretary:
Hortencia Rojas
800 S. Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91766
Phone: (909) 397-4800, Ext. 23888
Fax: (909) 622-5895
Services & Organizations
Child Development - Child Development programs build strong foundations for early learning: Head Start, State Preschool, Early Head Start, Child Care and Children's Centers.