The PUSD Administrator Induction Program (PACCP)
The PUSD Administrator Induction Program (PACCP)
The Pomona Unified School District Administrator Induction Program (PACCP) is a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that is offered to full-time or part-time administrators holding California Preliminary Administrative Services Credentials. Successful completion of the program leads to a recommendation for the Clear Administrative Services Credential.
Throughout the program, candidates engage in self-selected action research, setting and pursuing professional goals aligned with the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs).
On-site coaching exemplifies Pomona’s collaborative culture and builds leadership capacity for both coaches and candidates. Collaborating with a coach who offers both assistance and encouragement, candidates successfully navigate these first years in administration, learn to reflect on their day-to-day school site experiences and make evidence-based decisions that guide their future practice.
PACCP provides opportunities for candidates to demonstrate growth and competency through research-based practices and personalized coaching and learning experiences. The program is designed to support and accelerate instructional and transformational leadership and to positively impact student learning and the community we serve.
For more information about the program or about enrolling, please call the Induction Program office.
PACCP Program Staff
Program Director: Dr. Kathrine Morillo-Shone 909-397-4800, Ext. 23830
Program Secretary: Denise Barrientos 909-397-4800, Ext. 23830
Program Administrator: Dr. Pat L. Pawlak 909-397-4711, Ext. 21232
Induction Secretary: Emily Espinosa 909-397-4711, Ext. 21232