Departments » English Learner Program » Newcomer Pilot Program @ Fremont Academy

Newcomer Pilot Program @ Fremont Academy

The Newcomer Program at Fremont Academy is a voluntary program designed for eligible 7th-12th grade students who English learners and have been in a U.S. school for less than three years. The program focuses on the academic and social-emotional needs of Newcomer students.

Goals of the Program:

  1. Help students acquire foundational academic English Language skills
  2. Provide intensive instruction in reading and writing
  3. Support students and families in their transition to the American school system
  4. Promote student success through access to wide-ranging and culturally-appropriate academic, health, social, emotional, and family supports.
PUSD's Newcomer K-12 Support Team
Noelle Toxqui - Newcomer K-12 Teacher Specialist
Veronica Castellanos, M.A., Ed., P.P.S. - Newcomer K-12 Counselor