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Teacher Induction Program

The PUSD Teacher Induction Program

The Pomona Unified School District Teacher Induction Program is a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that is offered to teachers holding California Preliminary Teaching Credentials.  Successful completion of the program leads to a recommendation for the Clear Credential.

During the course of the two-year program, Candidates engage in self-selected action research, setting and pursuing professional growth goals related to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.  Collaborating with a Mentor who offers both assistance and encouragement, they successfully navigate these first teaching years, learning to reflect on their day-to-day classroom experiences and make evidence-based decisions that guide their future practice.

For more information about the program or about enrolling, please call the Induction Program office.

Teacher Induction Program Staff

Program Director: Dr. Kathrine Morillo-Shone 909-397-4800, Ext. 23830

Program Secretary: Denise Barrientos 909-397-4800, Ext. 23830

Program Administrator: Dr. Pat L. Pawlak 909-397-4711, Ext. 21232

Lead Mentor/Secondary: Enriqueta Gomez 909-397-4711, Ext. 21227

Lead Mentor/Elementary: Marcy Santos 909-397-4711, Ext. 21226

Induction Secretary: Emily Espinosa 909-397-4711, Ext. 21232


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