GATE Program
Program Coordinator:
Carole Glass, Teacher Specialist, Educational Services
Phone: (909) 397-4800 ext 23839
800 South Garey Ave, Pomona, CA 91766
Phone: (909) 397-4800 ext. 23839
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Program Goals:
Pomona Unified School District's Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE), which is available for identified elementary through high school students, provides services that are inclusive, equitable, and meet the needs, interests, and abilities of the whole child through research-based, student-centered instructional strategies. GATE students receive differentiated classroom instruction to meet each student's specific academic and social emotional needs. Additional opportunities for GATE students may include: Dual Language Schools, Specialized Magnet Schools, AVID, Honors Classes, Advanced Placement Courses, Dual Enrollment, Independent Study, Path to Seal of Bilingual Literacy, Extra Curricular Activities, and Extended Learning opportunities for students and parents.