California Dashboard
California's Accountability System
California's accountability system is based on a multiple measures system that assess how local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools are meeting the needs of their students. Performance on these measures is reported through the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). The links below connects you directly to the Dashboard, supplementary reports, and supportive resources created to help parents, educators, and communities navigate through the state’s accountability system.
What is this (College/Career) Indicator?
The College/Career Indicator (CCI) is one of several state indicators that the California Department of Education (CDE) reports on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). It represents the percentage of high school graduates who are prepared for college or a career. This indicator was designed to encourage high schools to provide all students with a rigorous broad course of study that prepares them for postsecondary success. The following measures have been approved by the State Board of Education for inclusion into the indicator:
- Advanced Placement Exams
- a–g Completion
- Career Technical Education Pathway Completion
- College Credit Course (formerly called Dual Enrollment)
- International Baccalaureate Exams
- Leadership/Military Science
- Pre-Apprenticeships
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics (Grade 11)
- State and Federal Job Programs
- State Seal of Biliteracy
- Transition Classroom and Work-Based Learning Experiences