About Us
Trustee Contact Information: Angelica Rojas 909 397-4800 Ext. 23882
Administer and conduct the business of the district; and ensure compliance with state laws, federal laws, and Board of Education policies.
The terms Board, Trustees, School Board, Governing Board, Boards of Trustees, and Board of Education all refer to the same five-member panel elected to establish policy, provide leadership, and oversee school district operations.
Members of the School Board serve staggered four-year terms. Regular elections occur in November with three positions elected one year, and the other two positions elected two years later. Board members may be elected or appointed to finish incomplete terms, which would occur when a sitting Board member leaves office before the end of his or her elected term. Service periods of current Board members are as follows:
Current Terms and First Elected
Dr. Roberta A. Perlman, Current Term: 2022-2026
Mrs. Tamara Gonzalez, Current Term: 2024-2028
Mr. Arturo Jimenez, Current Term: 2024 -2028
Dr. Lisa Nashua, Current Term 2022-2026
Patricia Tye, Current Term 2022-2026
Each December, at what is referred to as the Organizational Meeting, the Governing Board elects a Board President and Board Vice President for the ensuing year.
The Superintendent serves as Secretary to the Board, an official title indicating overall responsibility for organizing and documenting activities of the School Board. The Superintendent serves as a non-voting member of the Board.
Governing Board members are elected by the community to provide leadership and citizen oversight of the district's schools. Board members work with the Superintendent to fulfill major roles, which include:
1. Setting direction for the district
2. Providing a basic organizational structure for the district by establishing policies
3. Ensuring accountability
4. Providing community leadership on behalf of the district and public education
Contacting Board Members
All members of the Board of Education may be contacted at 909-397-4800, ext. 23882.