English 3D Training for ELD I,II,III Teachers - Jan 26th

English 3D Training for ELD I,II,III Teachers - Jan 26th
1/26/2023, 12:00 PM 3:30 PM
Zoom TBD


Good morning. Just a quick reminder that all Designated ELD teachers for subject ELD I, II, III will be attending their 5th day of implementation training for English 3D curriculum.

There will be two separate rooms - 1 for MS and 1 for HS. Zoom information will be coming soon. ELD Teachers will be automatically enrolled in Performance Matters.

Middle School Zoom Information - https://hmhco.zoom.us/j/84783771235?pwd=U3ZucUVaT1QyOFFhdXNjQjZsS3FxQT09

High School Zoom Information - https://hmhco.zoom.us/j/86140725472?pwd=RjR6UkV3RDdDeHNnM3ZwYmQybHNNUT09

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