TLC Lead Training

TLC Lead Training
8/5/2024 8/6/2024

The TLC Lead Special Assignment collaborative work for ELA and Math will be on Monday, August 5 and Tuesday, August 6, 2024. This training will support you in the continuing development of your TLC’s.

  • What are the dates, times, and location? Monday, August 5 and Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 8 am to 3 pm with one hour for lunch each day. 

  • How do I register? You do not need to register. Your names were submitted for Board approval on June 12 to get special assignment pay for attending the training from 8:00 am to 3 pm (with one hour lunch) on these 2 dates. 

  • What is the rate of pay for my work these days? Because you will be designing tools and materials to use for your Cohort Lead work, you will be paid Special Assignment pay for a total of up to 12 hours.

  • What do I need to do to get paid for this work? You need to participate in the work, sign your timesheets on August 6, and your timesheets will be submitted for signature and payroll on your behalf.

Please also remember that we asked all ELA and Math TLC leads (both new and returning) to  read the Introduction (pages xv-xxxii) and Chapter 1 (pages 1-11) of the book The Art of Coaching Teams by Elena Aguilar before we meet again on August 5. In order to provide you the maximum amount of time to read and reflect on these sections of the book, we have submitted your names for 4 hours of special assignment pay for this reading over the summer.

Please mark your calendars and keep these dates in mind while you plan your summer vacation and travel.

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