Pomona Unified School District
October 2022
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Board Meetings
Fall Picture Day (K-5th Grade)
Roosevelt ES
Lock Down Drill
Armstrong ES
Fall Pictures/Fotos de Otoño
8:15 AM
12 PM
Philadelphia ES
School Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting
8:15 AM
9:15 AM
Cortez Magnet
ELAC Meeting
9 AM
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
School Mental Health Assembly
9 AM
10 AM
(Park West HS Theater, Period 1)
Park West HS
SAC/ELAC Meeting
9:30 AM
(Room 106)
Lopez ES
SAC Meeting
10 AM
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Away Game vs Fremont
3 PM
4 PM
Marshall MS
Cops 4 Kids
3:15 PM
4:45 PM
Washington ES
School Site Council Meeting
3:15 PM
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
College Spirit Day
Lopez ES
Collège Day- Wear your favorite College Gear!
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Special Board Meeting
7:30 AM
(Board Room at Ed Center 800 S. Garey Ave, Pomona, CA)
Parent Calendar
Coffee with School Leaders/Café con líderes escolares
8:15 AM
9:15 AM
(Vejar Cafeteria 950 W. Grand Ave Pomona CA 91766)
Vejar ES
Oak Valley College Admissions Presentation
8:30 AM
3:30 PM
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
SAC & ELAC Meeting
8:30 AM
(Room 20)
La Verne Charter
Philly's Greatest Assemblies/Asambleas del Estudiante del Mes
9 AM
11 AM
Philadelphia ES
Early Dismissal
1:36 PM
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Staff/Teacher of the Month Voting!
Park West HS
Flag Football and Girls Volleyball Game
3 PM
6 PM
(Simons at Emerson)
Emerson MS
Home Game vs Lorbeer
3 PM
4 PM
(Marshall Campus)
Marshall MS
School Site Council Meeting
3:15 PM
4:15 PM
(Vejar Library 950 W. Grand Ave., Pomona CA 91766)
Vejar ES
Free Dress Day
La Verne Charter
Kellogg Spirit Day
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Spirit Day / Jersey Day!
Armstrong ES
Student of the Month
Arroyo ES
Late Start Friday
9 AM
Arroyo ES
Late Start Fridays
9 AM
2:15 PM
Emerson MS
Principal and Counselor Connect
9:15 AM
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
"Battle of the G's" Varsity Football @ Garey Vikings
7 PM
9:30 PM
(Garey High School, 321 W Lexington Ave, Pomona, CA 91766, USA)
Ganesha HS
Site Advisory Committee / English Learner Advisory Committee - Parent Meetings
8:15 AM
10:15 AM
(Vejar Cafeteria 950 W. Grand Ave., Pomona CA 91766)
Vejar ES
SAC/ELAC Meeting
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Barfield ES
Away Game vs Simons
3 PM
4 PM
(Simons Middle School)
Marshall MS
Cops 4 Kids
3:15 PM
4:45 PM
Washington ES
Collège Spirit
Lopez ES
Wear College Gear or Pink Day
Ganesha HS
Coffee with the Principal / café con el directora
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
(Rm. 118)
Marshall MS
Parent Leads Meeting (Morning)
8:30 AM
10 AM
(Strategic Planning Room Ed Center)
Parent Calendar
Univ. of California, Irvine Admissions Presentation
9:30 AM
10:20 PM
(Career Cente-P5)
Fremont Academy
School Site Council
2:30 PM
4 PM
(Rm. 118)
Marshall MS
Parent Leads Meeting (Evening)
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
(Zoom meeting)
Parent Calendar
Picture Day
Arroyo ES
Assembly Day today.
8 AM
10 AM
Emerson MS
Coffee with the Principal w/Special Guest Community Partner Pomona Police Department
8:15 AM
9:15 AM
Washington ES
College, Career & Workforce Development Task Force Meeting
9:30 AM
(Zoom meeting)
Parent Calendar
PTO Tent Sale
2:15 PM
3:15 PM
(Near the front office)
Arroyo ES
Home Game vs Emerson
3 PM
4 PM
(Marshall Campus)
Marshall MS
SSC Meeting
3 PM
4 PM
Barfield ES
Fundraiser Orders and Money Due (cash only)
Cortez Magnet
Pacific Fundraiser Assembly
Arroyo ES
Coffee with the Principal & Friends
9 AM
10 AM
(Decker Elementary School)
Decker ES
Late Start Friday
9 AM
Arroyo ES
Late Start Fridays
9 AM
2:15 PM
Emerson MS
PTO Meeting
9:15 AM
(Parent Center)
Arroyo ES
Tiger Talk
9:15 AM
10:15 AM
Barfield ES
Coffee with the Principal/Café con la Directora
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
Philadelphia ES
Student of the Month Assembly
11 AM
2:50 PM
Golden Springs ES
Swarthmore College Admissions Presentation
1:17 PM
2 PM
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
Pink Out @ Varsity Football Game vs La Puente HS
7 PM
9:30 PM
Ganesha HS
Cops 4 Kids Community Event #1
(Washington Elementary School, 975 E 9th St, Pomona, CA 91766, USA)
Washington ES
University of La Verne On-the-Spot Admissions
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
School Site Council Meeting
3 PM
4 PM
Golden Springs ES
Picture Retake Day - Students must wear their uniform
Cortez Magnet
Away Game vs Lorbeer
3 PM
4 PM
Marshall MS
Cops 4 Kids
3:15 PM
4:45 PM
Washington ES
Bright Prospect Leadership Academy
3:30 PM
4:45 PM
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
Zoom with Principal
5:30 PM
(zoom meeting)
Lopez ES
12th grade: FAFSA workshop, Senior Symposium
Ganesha HS
Collège Spirit
Lopez ES
PSAT grades 9, 10, and 11
Ganesha HS
Wear College Gear or Pink Day
Ganesha HS
Coffee with the Principal
8:30 AM
(Parent Center)
Arroyo ES
La Sierra University Law Enforcement Presentation
8:30 AM
2:45 PM
(Classroom P5)
Fremont Academy
Minimum Day release
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
Ganesha HS
Bright Prospect Leadership Academy
3:30 PM
4:45 PM
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
Parent Promotion Meeting - Reunion de Padres de Promocion
5 PM
6 PM
Emerson MS
Regular Board of Education Meeting
6 PM
(Board Room at Ed Center)
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Board Meetings
Coffee with the Principal
8:20 AM
9:20 AM
Cortez Magnet
Senior Night @ Girls Varsity Volleyball
3:15 PM
4:15 PM
Ganesha HS
Varsity Football @ Bassett HS
7 PM
9:30 PM
Ganesha HS
Make-Up Picture Day
Washington ES
Parent Workshop for 7th-8th Grade Parents "College 101"
8:15 AM
9 AM
(Room B102)
Cortez Magnet
Late Start Friday
9 AM
Arroyo ES
Late Start Fridays
9 AM
2:15 PM
Emerson MS
9:15 AM
11:45 AM
(Strategic Planning Room at Ed Center)
Parent Calendar
Coffee w/the principal
9:30 AM
10 AM
Ranch Hills ES
PTSA, ELAC, SAC, & SSC Meetings/Juntas PTSA, ELAC, SAC, & SSC
Emerson MS
SAC/ELAC Meeting
8:30 AM
(Room 106)
Lopez ES
Mt SAC Classroom Presentations
9 AM
3:30 PM
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
Cops 4 Kids
3:15 PM
4:45 PM
Washington ES
School Site Council (SSC) Meeting
3:15 PM
(Parent Center)
Arroyo ES
Senior Night Girls Varsity Tennis
3:15 PM
4:15 PM
Ganesha HS
Coffee with the Principal
5:30 PM
6 PM
Collège Spirit
Lopez ES
Lopez ES
Wear College Gear or Pink Day
Ganesha HS
Picture Make-Up Day
8 AM
11 AM
Ranch Hills ES
Kindergarten Field Trip - CAL Poly
9 AM
1:25 PM
(CAL Poly Pomona)
Vejar ES
Great American Shake Out
Washington ES
Great Shake Out Drill
Ganesha HS
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/21/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Great Shake Out Drill - Thurs, October 20, 2022 @ 9am
9 AM
10 AM
Emerson MS
Great Shake Out
9:20 AM
10:20 AM
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
International ShakeOut Day, October 20, 2022
10:20 AM
11 AM
(all PUSD sites)
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Board Meetings
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
Trunk or Treat
1:30 PM
3:30 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences/Conferencia de Padres Oct. 20-28
1:45 PM
3 PM
Philadelphia ES
AAPAC - African American Parents Advisory Council Meeting
6 PM
7:30 PM
(on Zoom)
Parent Calendar
Diamond Ranch HS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Village Academy
College Night / Noche Universitaria
6 PM
7:30 PM
Emerson MS
Middle School College Night @ Emerson Middle School
6 PM
8 PM
(Emerson Middle School)
Parent Calendar
Emerson MS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Simons MS
Academic Honors Assembly
Ganesha HS
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Pacific Fundraiser Ends
Arroyo ES
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/21/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Late Start Friday
9 AM
Arroyo ES
Late Start Fridays
9 AM
2:15 PM
Emerson MS
Coffee with The Principal and Friends
9:30 AM
10 AM
(In the Cafeteria)
Armstrong ES
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
Senior Night @ Varsity Football vs Garey HS
7 PM
9:30 PM
Ganesha HS
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Lopez Picture Day
Lopez ES
Middle School Parent Conferences (Grades 7-8) - See flyer for times
Cortez Magnet
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon Week
Golden Springs ES
Red Ribbon Week
Cortez Magnet
Red Ribbon Week
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Red Ribbon Week! 10/24 - 10/26
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon and Fall/Halloween Week
Arroyo ES
Voter Registration Deadline-CA
Ganesha HS
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
DRHS Family Robotics and STEAM Night at Cortez
6 PM
7 PM
Cortez Magnet
Fentanyl & Narcan Awareness Webinar
6 PM
7:30 PM
(Webinar on ZOOM)
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Mental Health Awareness Assembly
Ganesha HS
Middle School Parent Conferences (Grades 7-8) - See flyer for times
Cortez Magnet
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon Week
Golden Springs ES
Red Ribbon Week
Cortez Magnet
Red Ribbon Week
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Red Ribbon and Fall/Halloween Week
Arroyo ES
School Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting
8:15 AM
9:15 AM
Cortez Magnet
ELAC Meeting
8:30 AM
9 AM
Washington ES
ELAC Meeting/Junta de ELAC
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Philadelphia ES
SAC Meeting
9 AM
9:30 AM
Washington ES
Cal Baptist University Admissions Presentation
1 PM
2 PM
(Career Center-P5)
Fremont Academy
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
Cops 4 Kids
1:45 PM
3:15 PM
Washington ES
Middle School College Night @ Lorbeer Middle School
6 PM
8 PM
(Lorbeer Middle School)
Parent Calendar
Emerson MS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Simons MS
Collège Spirit
Lopez ES
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Middle School Parent Conferences (Grades 7-8) - See flyer for times
Cortez Magnet
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon Week
Golden Springs ES
Red Ribbon Week
Cortez Magnet
Red Ribbon Week
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Red Ribbon and Fall/Halloween Week
Arroyo ES
Wear College Gear or Pink Day
Ganesha HS
ELAC/SAC Meeting
8:30 AM
Arroyo ES
SAC/ELAC Parent Meeting
9 AM
10:30 PM
(Location TBD)
Armstrong ES
Student of the Month Assemblies/Asambleas del estudiante del mes
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
Philadelphia ES
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
Middle School College Night @ Marshall Middle School
6 PM
8 PM
(Marshall Middle School)
Parent Calendar
Emerson MS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Simons MS
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Middle School Parent Conferences (Grades 7-8) - See flyer for times
Cortez Magnet
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon Week
Golden Springs ES
Red Ribbon Week
Cortez Magnet
Red Ribbon Week
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Red Ribbon and Fall/Halloween Week
Arroyo ES
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
Coraline Movie / Pelicula Coraline 10-27-22
2:30 PM
4 PM
(Library / Biblioteca)
Emerson MS
School Site Council Meeting
3:15 PM
4:15 PM
(Vejar Library 950 W. Grand Ave., Pomona CA 91766)
Vejar ES
Fall Trunk or Treat!
4:30 PM
7:30 PM
Armstrong ES
Community Advisory Committee Meeting (CAC)
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
(Lorbeer Middle School Cafeteria 501 S Diamond Bar Blvd, Diamond Bar, CA)
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Middle School College Night @ Simons Middle School
6 PM
8 PM
(Simons Middle School)
Parent Calendar
Emerson MS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Simons MS
Movie Night sponsored by PTSA
6 PM
7 PM
Cortez Magnet
Career Day
Golden Springs ES
K-8 students are dismissed at 1:25 p.m. (October 20-28)
Cortez Magnet
Parent Conference Week - 1:25PM Early Dismissal for 1st - 5th Grade
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Washington ES
Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal at 1:25pm
10/28/2022, 11:59 PM
Barfield ES
Parent Teacher Conferences
(Vejar School)
Vejar ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Cortez Magnet
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon Week
Golden Springs ES
Red Ribbon Week
Cortez Magnet
Red Ribbon Week
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Red Ribbon and Fall/Halloween Week
Arroyo ES
Late Start Friday
9 AM
Arroyo ES
Late Start Fridays
9 AM
2:15 PM
Emerson MS
Storybook Character Parade! Parents are welcome!
9:30 AM
10 AM
Armstrong ES
School Site Council Mtg - Junta del concilio escolar
11 AM
12 PM
Emerson MS
Parent Conference
1:25 PM
Arroyo ES
Parent Conferences
1:25 PM
Golden Springs ES
Parent Conferences 1:25 dismissal
1:25 PM
4 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Decker ES
Parent-Teacher Conferences - early dismissal 1:25 pm
1:25 PM
Lopez ES
First Aid, CPR and AED - Adult, Child, Infant American Heart Association Heartsaver Certification Course Certification Valid for 2 years!
5 PM
8 PM
(320 South Thomas St., Pomona, CA, 91766)
Parent Calendar
Trunk or Treat
5 PM
7 PM
Ranch Hills ES
Varsity Football @ La Puente HS
7 PM
9:30 PM
Ganesha HS
Cops 4 Kids Community Event #2
(Village Academy High School, 1444 E Holt Ave, Pomona, CA 91767, USA)
Washington ES
Kinder Phase III Starts/Empieza Fase 3 de Kinder @ 2:26 pm
Philadelphia ES
ALL Day Kindergarten Phase-In Starts (Phase 3)- Dismissal at 2:26pm
Barfield ES
Dia de los Muertos Altar
11/2/2022, 11:59 PM
Ganesha HS
Happy Halloween
Arroyo ES
Kindergarten Phase 3 - Begins
Lopez ES
Phase 3 for Kindergarten Begins
Washington ES
Pumpkin Carving & Decorating Contest!
Armstrong ES
Red Ribbon Week
Cortez Magnet
Kindergarten Phase III - Regular Dismissal Begins
8 AM
9 AM
Cortez Magnet
Full Day Kindergarten Begins
8:05 AM
2:26 PM
Golden Springs ES
Book Character Parade
8:10 AM
Arroyo ES
Halloween Parade
8:15 AM
9 AM
Ranch Hills ES
Costume Parade
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Washington ES
Halloween Parade
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Golden Springs ES
Fall Food Festival/ Costume Contest/Halloween Carnival @ lunch
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
Ganesha HS
Dia de los Muertos Altar
11/2/2022, 11:59 PM
Ganesha HS
Make-Up Picture Day
Marshall MS
PD Day (Student Free Day)
Washington ES
Professional Development Day Student-Free Day
Parent Calendar
Alcott ES
Allison ES
Armstrong ES
Arroyo ES
Barfield ES
Cortez Magnet
Decker ES
Diamond Point ES
Golden Springs ES
Harrison ES
Kellogg Polytechnic ES
Kingsley ES
La Verne Charter
Lexington Elementary
Lincoln ES
Lopez ES
Madison ES
Montvue ES
Pantera ES
Philadelphia ES
Ranch Hills ES
Roosevelt ES
San Antonio ES
San Jose ES
Vejar ES
Washington ES
Westmont ES
PUSD Spanish
Diamond Ranch HS
Emerson MS
Fremont Academy
Ganesha HS
Garey HS
Lorbeer MS
Marshall MS
Palomares Academy
Park West HS
Pomona HS
Simons MS
Village Academy
Staff Development Day- No School
Barfield ES
Student Free Day
Arroyo ES
College Spirit Day
Lopez ES
Dia de los Muertos Altar
11/2/2022, 11:59 PM
Ganesha HS
Make-Up Picture Day
Marshall MS
Parent Leads Meeting (Morning)
8:30 AM
10 AM
(Strategic Planning Room Ed Center)
Parent Calendar
Coffee with the Principal - Cafe con la directora
9 AM
10 AM
Emerson MS
Parent Leads Meeting (Evening)
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
(Virtual Zoom Meeting)
Parent Calendar
Make-Up Picture Day
Marshall MS
Picture Make up Day
Philadelphia ES
ELAC/SAC Meeting
8:15 AM
10:15 AM
Golden Springs ES
College, Career & Workforce Development Task Force Meeting
9:30 AM
(zoom meeting)
Parent Calendar
SSC Meeting
3 PM
4 PM
Barfield ES
SSC Meeting
3 PM
3:30 PM
(Parent Center Room 106)
Lopez ES
School Site Council (SSC) Meeting
3:15 PM
4:15 PM
Washington ES
Make Up Picture Day
Golden Springs ES
Make-Up Picture Day
Marshall MS
PTSA's Cortez Wear Sale
8 AM
9:30 AM
(Small (PreK) Parking Lot)
Cortez Magnet
Coffee with the Principal & Friends
9 AM
10 AM
(Decker Elementary School)
Decker ES
Late Start Friday
9 AM
Arroyo ES
Late Start Fridays
9 AM
2:15 PM
Emerson MS
PTO Meeting
9:15 AM
(Parent Room)
Arroyo ES
Tiger Talk
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
Barfield ES
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting
9:45 AM
10:15 AM
(Purpose ELAC: To participate in planning & monitoring programs for English Learners)
Decker ES
School Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting
10:15 AM
11 AM
Decker ES
Student of the Month Assembly
1:45 PM
2:50 PM
Golden Springs ES
Make-Up Picture Day
Marshall MS
Saturday School
8 AM
12:30 PM
Washington ES